Thursday, March 31, 2016

Monk education

Charles was excited about transferring from public schools to a private school run by Franciscan monks.  His parents decided - and Charles agreed - that he would get a much better education from the monk who were well-known for producing excellent, college-bound graduates.
     Of course, his parents had other ideas.  David was a mischievous teenager who was always getting into trouble.  It wasn't anything serious, just breaking a window playing a game with his friends or surrounding a house with toilet paper during Halloween if he and his friends didn't like the "treats."
     The Franciscans were well-known for disciplining naughty boys so Charles thought they would succeed where he didn't. He even spanked Charles on his bare butt several times, even using a belt. Charles cried and promised to be good, but after a while, Charles was back to his bad ways.
     Charles didn't say anything about that, but he just knew that disciplining him was a major reason for sending him to the Franciscans. Besides, Charles knew he was often naughty and agreed with his parents that the Franciscans would teach him some discipline and turn him into a good young man.  After all, Charles wanted to succeed once he finished his schooling.
     Furthermore, he hated being spanked by his father.  It hurt so much to have his butt beaten hard and it was so humiliating to pull down his pants and undies or all of his clothes, even though his father hugged him afterward and showed him fatherly love.
Soon, his parents took him to the monastery where he would be educated with other teens. A monk in brown robes greeted them and took them inside. The monastery was an old building and next to a big church.
     Neither Charles nor his parents were Catholic; instead they were Anglican.  The monk assured his parents that they would not try to convert Charles but said he would be required to participate in morning prayer with the other boys before classes. This was designed to give Charles a moral background which he would need in his life.
     Charles asked if the classes were all-boy.  Yes, said the monk. They found that being exposed to girls as a teenager would be far too distracting.  Charles had a couple of girlfriends in his life but it was nothing serious. He and his girlfriends would simply hold hands and embrace and sometimes kiss.  But Charles had never touched a girl's breasts or seen one naked.  He was too young for that, although he was very curious about girls and wondered what sex would be like.  Sure, he and his friends would look at dirty magazines and lust after a girl's breasts.  Their cocks always got hard but at most they would grope their cocks through their jeans.
     After the talk, the monk took the family on a tour of the monastery.  There were two beds in each room so Charles would have a roommate.  He hoped the guy would be nice. Then Charles' parents left.  The monk showed Charles his room and reminded him that supper was promptly at 6 p.m. and lights out was at 10 p.m.
     From there, Charles looked around the monastery, looking for areas he had not seen during the tour.  He found the monks' quarters and was surprised at how sparse and spartan they were.  There was a simple bed, a chair and a chest that probably contained clothes. On the wall was a cross or crucifix.
     Promptly at 6 p.m., Charles showed up at the student
dining area. There were already other boys there, serving themselves from hot trays. The food was nothing special, just spaghetti, salads, bread, apple pie and lots of fruit.  
     Charles decided to take some fruit back to his room for later in case he got hungry again.  He ate well and chatted with other boys, introducing himself and learning about them.
     It was very enjoyable.  Charles learned that about half of the boys were Catholic and the other half were different kinds of Protestants.
After supper, most of the boys gathered in a lounge and just talked.  Most of the talk was getting to know each other better and about the monastery and the monks. Most of the monks were very nice and good teachers. But a few monks were not so nice.  This interested Charles so he asked about them. The boys would not reveal much, but just warned Charles to stay away from them. The boys seemed nervous and embarrassed about it which made Charles even more curious.  But none of them would elaborate.
     Still, Charles liked the place so far.

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