Monday, April 4, 2016

Crime and punishment

     Charles tried his best to be a good student and stay out of trouble. But when Halloween came, the mischievous side of him surfaced yet again. He tried to resist but he couldn't help it.  He was just a boy who loved doing mischievous things and getting a good laugh out of it. Maybe he could not resist getting together with other boys and doing things that were harmless but irritated the victim.
    So when his friends ask him to have a little fun, he was eager to join in.
    They started by sneaking out of the monastery and using dozens of rolls of toilet paper to cover homes, being sure to get the shrubs because it was hard to remove the toilet paper.  Then one of the boys produced a bag filled with cartons of eggs. That would be enormous fun!  They threw raw eggs against front doors, then switched to cars.  The best cars were the ones that were newly washed and waxed or looked new or fancy.  Their main target was windshields but side windows and hoods and sides were also egged.
     The boys laughed with glee and tried to outdo each other. Charles covered a windshield with about eight eggs. Then they ran away, joking about the reaction of the owners.  By the time they returned to the monastery, they were hot and sweaty and still laughing but they suppressed their laughter so the monks would not hear them.  Charles was enormously pleased with himself and giggled himself to sleep.
     The next morning, the boys were called together to a big room and several monks were there, including the head monk called the abbot.  They looked very serious and unhappy.  The boys who pulled the pranks knew they were in trouble.
    The abbot said, "Last night, some of you boys slipped out of the monastery and did some very bad things such as rolling toilet paper at homes and throwing raw eggs at automobile. There was drizzle last night so the toilet paper clung to shrubs and trees, making it impossible for owners to remove. And the eggs had to be hosed off and in some cases the eggs ate through the finish of cars and damaged the paint. Several homeowners have called us to complain."
    "Now, I am going to give you one chance: All of you that did this should step forward."  At first, no one moved.  But in a minute or two, one, then two, then three boys stepped forward. Then the boy who led the pranks stepped forward.  Charles was terrified but eventually, he too stepped forward. In all, nine boys admitted they did it. That number seemed about right to Charles.
     "Thank you for your honesty. Now you all know that you did a very bad thing, right?" the abbot said. The boys either murmured yes or nodded their head.
     "Very well, you boys damaged property and damaged the reputation of the monastery in this community and I am very, very disappointed in each of you," the abbot said. "There will be consequences for your actions and we will contact each of you by tomorrow."  With that, the abbot walked out of the room and the rest of the day went as usual.  Several of the boys wondered if their parents would be notified or whether they would be punished in some way.
     The next morning, each of the boys, including Charles, were summoned to meet individually with a monk.  Charles ended up with a monk named Matthew.  He was stern and said, "Each of you will be punished. I want you to meet with me after supper." Charles had a hard time concentrating during his classes and didn't eat much at supper." Then he went to Matthew's sparse bedroom or cell as it was called.
    "Come with me," Matthew said and they walked down a long hallway and down a flight of stairs to a room made of stone.  Matthew sat Charles down and stressed the wrongfulness of his actions.
     Then Matthew announced that for his misdeeds, he would be spanked. Spanked? Charles had not been spanked since he was 11 years old by his father. Charles didn't like spankings then and he was sure he would not like it now.  But he had no choice but to submit to the punishment. He wondered how hard the spanking would be. He was nervous and scared.
     Then the monk told Charles to remove his shirt and pulled it over his head.  Then monk yanked Charles over his  lap and began spanking him on his jeans. That wasn't so bad because his underwear and jeans protected his ass. So it was easy for Charles to just close his eyes and take the spanking.

      But after five minutes, the monk ordered Charles to take off his jeans and underwear so he was completely naked.
     Now Charles had a nice body - creamy white skin and slender with some muscles showing on his young chest.
     And Charles had a nice cock, too.  It wasn't that long, but it was thick.  When he reached puberty, he loved to play with his cock and spray his cum all over his torso. He was quite proud of his cock and he knew lots of other boys were jealous and wanted a cock like his.
     Furthermore, Charles was quite comfortable with his body and had no problem being seen naked by other boys.  And when he reached puberty, he loved being alone in his bedroom and stroking and admiring his cock.  When he climaxed for the first time, Charles thought he was in heaven and jerked off nearly every day, sometimes twice a day.  And he used paper towels to wipe his cum away so neither his father nor his mother ever knew what he was secretly doing.
The monk stood behind Charles and reached his arm around his body to his chest.  Then the monk started playing with Charles' nipple.  This was completely new to Charles and he wondered what the monk was doing.  Soon, it became apparent. After rolling Charles' nipple around with his fingers, the monk started pinching it.  As he pinched harder, the pain radiated from Charles' nipple.  The pain was intense. Charles first yelped, then moaned in pain.
     "Oh, please stop!" he cried out. The monk replied, "This is just for starters. You're going to feel a lot more pain.  Now, will you obey every order I give you?"  "Oh, yes, sir! I'll do whatever you want. Just stop!!!"  "Good boy! You are learning obedience," the monk said. He released Charles nipple but rubbed it. That hurt as much as being pinched and Charles moaned in pain.
     The next thing Charles knew, the monk sat on a stool and yanked Charles over his lab. Then he spanked Charles really hard. Now intense pain radiated from the boy's ass. The monk kept spanking Charles for 10 to 15 minutes and the monk spanked him harder and harder. Charles was crying out in pain and began yelling, "I'm sorry, sir! I won't do it again! I promise! I'll be a good boy!"
     "Boy, your punishment is just beginning!" the monk said. "You and the others did a lot of damages to houses and cars and to the reputation of this monastery. I'm going to make sure that never, ever happens again!"
     Charles was in agony. But his punishment was far from over.
     The next thing the monk did was to flip Charles over so his legs were in the air and his head was on the floor so he was upside down. He then used both hands to spank Charles' ass. The most humiliating thing was that the monk could clearly see his asshole. Charles had never exposed his asshole to anyone.
     This position was terribly embarrassing because the monk could easy see Charles' asshole. No one had ever seen his asshole before, except for his mother when he was a baby and she changed his diaper.
     And, because his ass muscles were stretched out, the spanking hurt even more. The monk held Charles' feet so he would stay in position. Charles yelled for the monk to stop. But the monk simply replied, "Not until I'm satisfied that you've learned your lesson and never embarrass the monastery again!"
     To increase the pain, the monk began striking Charles with a flogger.  Charles thought he was going to lose his mind. The flogging was so intense, so painful and so overwhelming that Charles began to cry That was embarrassing, too. Charles had not cried since he was a little boy and never let his friends see him crying.
      But the monk continued flogging his ass without a hint of mercy. Charles wondered if the monk was simply punishing him or whether he got some kind of perverse pleasure in beating a boy's ass.    
     Then the monk changed the angle of the flogger. Now the monk was striking between Charles's ass cheeks which made the boy scream in pain as the leather straps landed right on his asshole. And the flogger also came upward and hit Charles right on his cock and balls! Charles was sobbing now.
     Finally, the monk released the boy's legs and quickly moved him into another position. Charles was facing down and the monk pulled up his legs and positioned them around his waist. It was like being a human wheelbarrow.
     Then the monk spanked Charles again, using his hands.  There was nothing Charles could do but take the terrible punishment. Charles felt like his ass was on fire!    
     Next, the monk flipped Charles around again and spread his legs far apart. Just as Charles feared, the monk started spanking Charles right on his tender asshole.  Charles prayed to God that this awful punishment would end. Charles couldn't believe that anything could hurt so much. Soon, his asshole burned and throbbed.  It also felt like his asshole had become puffy.
     As Charles look upward, he could see the monk's face. He was grinning and had an evil expression on his face. Charles became convinced that the monk enjoyed inflicting so much pain on the boy's ass.
     Sadly for Charles, the monk was not finished yet. He told the boy to stand up and lean against the wall with his ass sticking out. Charles obeyed and the monk got a perfect view of the boy's red ass. Charles could not see it, but the monk groped his hard cock through his brown robes.  That wasn't enough so the monk lifted the front of his robes and jerked his raw cock. He had so much fun beating this cute white boy's creamy ass and watching it turn bright red. He just loved spanking the asses of the students.
     But it was time for something new and painful.  The monk had Charles stand and blindfolded him. Next, the monk pulled out a flogger and used it be punish the boy's ass. Charles tried to step away but the monk told him to stand still and put his hands behind his head or the punishment would get a lot worse.

     Charles submitted and stood in place and took the painful flogging.  It was more painful than anything the boy had ever felt before.  He could feel every strand of the flogger and it hurt something awful. It took all of Charles' will and determination to just stand there and take the pain. A few times, Charles desperately wanted to drop his hands and rub his sore ass so it would not hurt so much.  But Charles was afraid of angering the monk and getting his ass beaten even worse than it had been already. This truly was a punishment session and Charles was sorry for every egg he had thrown the night before.    
     The next punishment was quite different.  The monk led Charles to a big, metal bucket.  It was full of ice water.  The monk ordered Charles to stand in the bucket and he reluctantly obeyed. The water was freezing!  It was more ice than water and Charles shivered involuntarily. Every hair on his body stood up.  Charles didn't know if the spanking or the ice water was worse.
     Charles was so relieved when the monk allowed him to step out of the bucket. He noticed that his cock had shrived up so it looked only two inches long.  And his balls retreated in his sac and drew up to his groin.
     Charles thought they were finished but the monk said, "Now you've learned your lesson and will not repeat your misconduct. But now it's time for your real punishment.  Charles tried to protest, saying he had been punished enough. But the monk told him to be silent and just accept what he deserved.
     Once again, the monk sat down and he put Charles over his lap. The difference was that Charles was on his back and his legs were held up.  Without warning, the monk lashed Charles on his ass with a flogger.  Because he had just been spanked, the pain was even worse than before and Charles screamed with every blow.    
Then monk did something even more painful and cruel. He flogged the boy vertically so the leather straps landed right on Charles's asshole. Pain shot through him like a knife. Then the monk moved the flogger a few inches higher and the straps hit both Charles' asshole and his cock and balls. This was the most sensitive part of any boy's body and pain welled up in his lower abdomen while his poor cock just took the punishment.
     Charles wanted to die! Anything to stop the pain. And he felt like he was going to pass out as he sobbed uncontrollably. Now he was convinced that the monk loved to inflict pain on helpless boys and had learned how to inflict the most pain possible.
     Finally came the worst punishment of all. The monk had David stand with his hands behind his head. Then he pulled out that flogger again and began striking David's cock.  "Oww! Oww! Please stop!" David cried out. But the monk ignored his cries and kept going. The beating was relentless and David started to fall to his knees. But the monk sternly told him to keep standing straight up or he would flog the tip of David's cock or hold out his balls and flog them.  So David held his position and took the punishment. It was absolutely the most painful punishment that had ever been inflicted on him.
     After five or ten minutes, the monk stopped. "Now, I think you have been sufficiently punished that you will never embarrass this monastery again! "he said. "Am I right, boy?"
     "Oh, yes, sir!" David said through his tears. "I will be a good boy forever."  His whole body burned with pain.  The monk told David to get dressed and return to his room.  He did just that and threw off all his clothes so he could take a cooling shower.  That helped a little. When David emerged and dried off, his roommate came in and gasped.
     "I see you have been punished by one of the monks," he sat as he studied David back, ass and swollen cock. "Yeah, I got punished really good," David said. "It was awful!"  His roommate offered to help by spreading some body lotion on David. David agreed and his roommate spread cool lotion on his back, his ass, around his asshole and finally on his cock.  It felt so good.
     Once the roommate spread lotion on his cock, David's cock began to thicken and swell up. David was embarrassed, but let his roommate continue.  By the time he was done, David's cock was fully erect.  His roommate just said, "I'm going to leave you alone for a while. See you later."
     Once he was gone, David pulled back the blankets and lay on his soft bed.  Instinctively, he grabbed his cock and began jerking it.  He still felt pain from the punishment, but he quickly shot gobs of his cum all over his chest and stomach.  He wiped it away with a face cloth that he kept hid under his mattress, then pulled back the blankets and fell dead asleep. In his dreams, he relived his punishment session and when he woke up, his cock was rock hard again.
     "What the?" David said out loud.  Why did his cock get hard from the memory of the punishment?  Then his roommate returned, so David quickly got dressed and went to dinner.  He couldn't talk about his embarrassing punishment but sitting down provided a painful reminder.  He wondered if the other boys who had been caught egging cars had suffered the same punishment.
     A few days later, he learned that the same thing had happened to them. David swore to himself to never be naughty again.


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